Some Best Ways to Promote Your App

There is  2.2  over million apps in the App Store and over 2.5 million in Google Play Store. Those numbers are pretty staggering, and only increasing by the day. So if you’re sitting around hoping app users will magically migrate to your app, think again. Competition is fierce. That’s why we highly recommend having an app user acquisition strategy in place prior to launch and to treat it as you would any traditional product launch. If you haven't done that, have no fear. We've been in the mobile app marketing game long enough to know what works in terms of app promotion. there are some most effective ways to promote your app.

1) Website
You need an online presence for your app. Why? Legitimacy. People want to know your app is the real-deal, and that you’re truly invested in it as a business. For enterprise brands, your app needs to be prominently featured across your site. It shouldn’t be an afterthought or a small logo on the footer.
2) Social Media
Social media is pretty much a must for app promotion. There are two ways to connect with your audience via social- paid and organic. Below is a quick breakdown of both:
ORGANIC - Organic promotion on social media comes in the simple form of having a presence; e.g. a Facebook page, and Twitter and Instagram profiles. Create accounts and start following people within your target audience and industry. Don't spam people by being overly promotional. Instead, try to connect with your audience in a meaningful way by posting about the things they care about and joining in on the conversation. For example, GrubHub's Instagram account is full of vibrant, mouth-watering culinary photos their foodie audience devours:

3) Public Relations
They say there’s no such thing as bad press unless of course your press is non-existent. Media and influencer mentions go a long way in terms of creating buzz and credibility. There are many ways to go about doing this, but below are just a few to consider:

Press release
Host a launch party and invite the local media and tech industry
Interviews with local newspapers and tech bloggers
Guest blogging

4) App Store Optimization (ASO)
App Store optimization, or ASO, is the SEO of the mobile app world. It’s imperative for discoverability in an oversaturated market. So how do you accomplish solid ASO? Pay attention to the following:
App name - Is it unique?
Keywords -Include relevant keywords but be careful not to ‘keyword stuff’
Description - Does your description clearly articulate your app’s value and is it frequently updated with app update descriptions and release notes?
Screenshots/Video - Do you have 2-3 feature screenshots or a video tutorial outlining core app highlights?
Ratings and Review - Do you have positive app ratings and reviews?


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