Why Every Business Needs Yelp Review Badges?

When you think of important site for small businesses, the first name that comes to your mind would be “Yelp”.  There are certain misconceptions about the website like people believe that if you wrote a perfect review, Yelp will pay for reviews.
Yelp reviews, Yellow pages, TripAdvisor and other similar websites have significantly changed the way the consumer shops. From furnace technicians to travel resorts, you will find everything here. Yelp gets 78 million visitors per month.
It is a common misconception that Restaurants are the only big category in Yelp. However, Shopping is the biggest category in Yelp. Everyone wants to get 'People Love Us on Yelp' stickers, but you can’t buy it you have to earn it.

Yelp provides downloadable signage via a Flickr stream. Yelp's research has found that a customer whose review praises “service” is more than 5 times when a user gives you 5-star reviews. When a new star is added to any Yelp business profile, the sales will automatically increase 5-9%.
Talking about stickers that are always associated with well known websites as they assure credibility. A user will be much influenced by a business with a Yelp sticker than without a sticker.
In Yelp’s own words:
“People Love Us on Yelp” is a program that provides a sticker and a letter of commendation from Yelp’s founders to businesses that qualify based on their history and rating on Yelp. The stickers are sent out once per year to all businesses that qualify. Whether or not a business advertises on Yelp has no impact on their eligibility to receive a “People Love Us on Yelp” sticker.
How to get the ‘people love us’ award?
To get ‘people love us’ award on Yelp, you need to follow 5 important steps.
Step #1: 
First of all get your business listed on Yelp. Just search for your business name on Yelp using your Desktop PC or smart phone.
Step #2: 
When you claim your business, you can easily respond to reviews posted by your customers. You can also track the views count on your store.
Step #3:
Add pictures and website link to your business page. Update your business hours and phone number.
Step #4: 
Try to attract customers who use Yelp. Yelp is divided into 2 groups:
Local business
National or regional business
Step #5:
You can also influence users by displaying a “find us on Yelp”. You can also request the badge by submitting your information provided by Yelp.

Summing up:
You have clearly understood the importance of Yelp reviews and its badges. Everyone prefers to shop from a place where it has got “Yelp badge”. So, just follow the guideline and earn a reward from Yelp. Yelp is the only online shopping search engine that is recognized by biggest Global Brands.


  1. Why Do You Need to Buy Yelp Reviews ?
    Money is able to purchase a lot of things. But money can never buy you a good reputation especially when it comes to Yelp. Things could have been so simple if you could just be able to pay for some positive reviews on your Yelp page or if you could give discounts and prices to your customers so that they throw positive reviews.


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